Le Rayon Vert, or the Green Ray, “has the virtue of making him who has seen it impossible to be deceived in matters of sentiment; at its apparition, all deceit and falsehood are done away, and he who has been fortunate enough once to behold it is enabled to see closely into his own heart and read the thoughts of others.” In Jules Verne’s Le Rayon Vert, heroine Helena Campbell refuses love until she has succeeded in seeing the Green Ray. While evading her suitor, she unwittingly falls in love with another young man, and ultimately misses the appearance of the enlightening Green Ray because she is staring deeply into the eyes of her true love. Is Helena’s Folly believing in the power of the Green Ray, or is it allowing herself to fall in love without safeguards? Perhaps this sweater will bring an enlightening answer. With a sweetly relaxed silhouette, drapey cap sleeves and turned bottom and neck hems, it is a romantic knit for an insightful knitter. Construction: Helena’s Folly is meant to . . .