Lots of secret knitting going on, so not much posting – due to both all the knitting and the need to be covert. So what better alternate topic to explore than fabulous shoes? 
For a bit of mother-daughter lunch and shopping, we went to PF Chang’s and then stopped by the DSW. Shopping the sale rack far surpassed the steamed pork dumplings; for less than half the cost of lunch, we are now the proud owners of this lovely pair of Bandolino Barika party stilettos. And I say “we” with the bittersweet realization that girlfriend and I are now the same shoe size. In fact, she might be one half size larger, depending.
I’m determined to be the first one to have an appropriate place to which I might wear them. I’m thinking the fancy dinner that she and her friends are preparing for the parents in a few days; she’ll need flats because she’ll be cooking and serving. I’ll be sitting and possibly gliding to the bar area.
Anyway, the shoes are adorable if you dont have to move around too much; comfy pleated fabric straps, an elegant bow on the sides, and gritty silver zippers in the back. The kind of shoes one might build her entire outfit around. I would go for a soft/tough look, edgy yet understated all at the same time. And with a pop of color to match the nails! In fact, if one looks at the picture below, one might just notice a little sliver of knitwear that suits the look nicely. Except, of course, the knitwear is a secret right now still.